discover new age banking
Decentralized Banking System using Apache ResilientDB
Deposit, Withdraw, Borrow and Lend AggieCoin with our DeFi App. Instantaneous, Hassle-free and Secure.
What do we do
We give you transparency. We give you 100% control of your money by eliminating any middleman. Using our currency AggieCoin, you can deposit and withdraw your funds in one go. You can also lend and borrow money. Our USP lies in achieving a better rate than the traditional banks.
The A-Team
Apratim Shukla
FullStack Developer and Team Lead, Apratim was responsible for setting up collaboration via GitHub, designing, coding, and testing both the applications from scratch and subsequently deploying Apache ResilientDB-Debitable on a DigitalOcean VPS with Cloudflare DNS and Ethereum-Debitable via Ngrok tunnel.
Priyal Soni
FullStack Developer and lead frontend designer, Priyal was responsible for integrating the two applications with a central UI and hosting it on GitHub pages with continuous integration. She was also responsible for testing the application and monitoring its performance to draw comparison.
Kshitij Sinha
Backend Developer and lead of documentation, Kshitij was responsible for experimenting with the smart contracts and then documenting the results in the form of a comprehensive tutorial. He's also working on exploring the future possibilities of the application.
Manjunath Jakaraddi
Backend Developer and lead smart contract developer, Manjunath was responsible for designing and coding the lending and borrowing system of Apache ResilientDB-Debitable. He was also responsible for exploring the same for the Ethereum version of Debitable.
Rohith Raj
System Architect and chief planner, Rohith was responsible for planning out the system, laying out the key components for Apache ResilientDB-Debitable and Ethereum-Debitable. He was also responsible for ensuring that timelines were met and peak performance was achieved.
Mohammad Sadoghi
Professor. The OG, and mentor of the team. His constant guidance is the reason behind the successful completion of Debitable. The fate of Debitable depends on his vision.